Library Treasure Hunt
A Daydream with
Tim the Tiger

Play & Learn & Win a prize!
How to Join
- Register to save a seat
- Bring your own device (e.g., smartphone or tablet which can connect to the internet)
- Arrive on time to join the treasure hunt
- Complete the tasks by visiting different checkpoints in the Main Library and compete for a prize
Special tip:
While no prerequisite is needed for the treasure hunt,
knowledge gained from
ILT04 Library Essentials for Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Library Workshop may help you complete the tasks faster!
- Current HKU undergraduate students
- 6 Sep 2023 (Wed) 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
- 15 Sep 2023 (Fri) 1:30 – 2:30 pm
(Two sessions are identical.)
- e-Learning Lab
(G/F, Main Library)
- Plushie or stationery item
(First-come-first-served while stock lasts)

The story begins…
You fall asleep on the couch – but an abrupt glass shattering sound wakes you up.
Puzzled, you find that your pet is missing!
So… who is your pet?

Thank you for your participation &
Congratulations to the prize winners!